Jack's Caregiver Coalition

Super Squad

Jack’s Caregiver Coalition is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to “Improve the way guys think, feel, and act through every phase of their caregiving journey.” Often, when men find themselves in a caregiving role, they tend to shoulder the responsibility alone. That’s why Jack’s Caregiver Coalition came to Motion 504 to show that not even superheroes can save the world on their own! Where would Batman be without Alfred?

This is a story about a caregiver, a hero. Rather than show action-packed, planet-hopping adventures, we use comic book inspired panels to tell a story of the day-to-day. Who mows Superman’s lawn? Who washes Wolverine’s dishes? Being someone’s primary caregiver is a heavy job that is made lighter when you have your very own super squad!

Design Development

We used Jack’s Caregiver Coalition’s existing illustration system as a jumping off point, but we expanded their existing color palette, and character styles. This is exemplified here, in one of our original pitch frames.